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>   home   >   CUSTOM SERVICES   >   Anti-Drug Antibody (ADA)Integrated Services   

Anti-Drug Antibody (ADA) Service

All biopharmaceuticals are immunogenic and may induce anti-drug antibodies (ADAs). The clinical effects of ADA formation can be highly variable and may cause severe adverse events that put the patient at risk. When designed correctly, high affinity ADAs can be ideal for use in pharmacokinetic bridging ELISAs and as reference standards in ADA assays. It is therefore imperative to develop ADAs with the appropriate sensitivity, specificity, and selectivity to guide biotherapeutic drug development decision-making.

Abcepta provides a fast and customer-oriented custom ADA generation service to support the clinical development of biotherapeutic drugs. Our approach is to first evaluate the customer's most critical factors for each individual project, and then present tailored protocols and project management for approval. Allow Abcepta to be a part of your team!

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Order Information:


USA: 888.735.7227 (toll free) or 858.875.1900

USA: 858-875-1999

For additional information visit :
PDF ELITE Custom Antibody Service Brochure
ABCEPTA specializes in antibody production and has extensive experience
in the development of anti-drug antibodies, including development of anti-idiotype antibodies.
ABCEPTA CASE STUDY: Monoclonal Anti-idiotype Antibodies
The concentration of Anti-ID Ab is 37ng/mI, and the concentration
of negative controls (HuIgG1k) is 1 ug/mI
(Data from customer)
Anti-ID Ab initial concentration is 1ug/mL. Anti-ID Ab binds specifically to
idiotype Ab, but not other negative controls (HuIgG1k).
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